
Keeping Kitchens Organized

“Everything happens in the kitchen. Life happens in the kitchen.”

Andrew Zimmern

Before Covid (otherwise known as B.C.), most of our kitchens got a bit of a break during the day while we were at work and the kids were at school. Nowadays, our kitchens are working overtime! It is more important than ever to keep them fully stocked and organized.

Today we are focusing on a few key tips for keeping our kitchens organized:

1.     Create “zones.”  Simply put, this means to keep “like” items together.  Common “zones” in a kitchen are cooking, baking, snacks, food prep and storage, and backstock. Keeping these categories separate is key to being able to locate what you need when you need it.

2.     Make sure every item has a designated home. When every item in your kitchen has a home, you will always know where it is. No more digging through disorganized utensil drawers!

3.     Schedule a regular pantry purge and refrigerator clean out. I recommend doing this once a month. Regular purges are a great way to keep things in control and it helps you get a sense of what you are actually consuming. Check expiration dates on all perishable food items and discard items that have expired, as well as those that are not being used. If you find items that are no longer a crowd favorite in your home, consider donating to a homeless shelter. 

4.     Grocery shop or have your food delivered on the same day every week. This will help you establish a rhythm to your week. It will also help you keep the pantry inventory under control. Ideally the pantry and fridge are restocked before the beginning of the work week. 

5.     Try your hand at meal planning. Planning out a week’s worth of dinners is a great way to start. Planning a menu (and shopping according to what will be served) helps you provide balanced, nourishing meals for yourself and your family. It also keeps the clutter in control by purchasing only what you need. You will also save time and money!

To keep your kitchen in tip-top shape, be sure to check out our blog post on food prep and meal planning!

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