
New Beginnings

There is nothing quite like a new beginning. This year we are graced with not only a new year, but a new decade! Beginnings bring hope, optimism and the promise of something more. This is our opportunity to let go of past failures and disappointments, and to shift our perspective as we look to the future. In this moment we have a true fresh start.

Here at Create Calm we spent the last few months of 2019 taking stock of all we have learned over the past five years in business, and all we hope to accomplish in the decade to come. Out of this period of reflection came one clear truth our environment influences our overall sense of wellness, and therefore our health.  

Each physical transformation we create is accompanied by a personal transformation that takes place within each client, who moves from a place of stress and anxiety, to one of relief and joy. That joy is contagious!  Not only are our clients happier, their stress is greatly reduced, which actually improves their overall health. The science is clear. Chronic stress disrupts nearly every system in our bodies. It can suppress our immune system, increase  our risk of heart attack and stroke, and speed up the aging process. By addressing our physical environment, we are positively influencing our health by substantially reducing our stress.

So let’s make 2020 the decade that we finally take control of our physical surroundings. With the right tools and support, we can learn to create a calm, peaceful environment, so that we can live our very best life.

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